Sex Offender Registry Checks: Key Component of Tenant Screening in a Changing Suburban Landscape

The changing landscape of suburban living suggests that many individuals and families are returning to urbanized areas such as cities and towns. Subsequently, suburbs are losing businesses, jobs, and residents. In order to stem the tide of suburban flight landlords and property managers may reduce the cost of renting a house or an apartment.

It stands to reason that in order to maintain a high level of occupancy in a declining area that rental rates would drop. Affordable living is attractive to a variety of individuals and for a variety of reasons.

In many states registered sex offenders are controlled in their living arrangements by affordability and by state law.

A recent article on (Aug. 1, 2013) states:

Sex offenders need a place to live, too, and while many end up in triple-deckers, treatment centers and other residences throughout the city, Worcester Mag found cases where some of the highest-risk offenders are either living in large, family-friendly apartment buildings or using the address of a relative that lives there.

In many instances the aforementioned apartment buildings are affordable and apartment buildings continue to draw registered sex offenders:

Ultimately, therein lies the rub for owners of rental housing, which attracts a larger number of sex offenders than any other type of housing. “[They] migrate towards rental housing purely because of the economics of it,” …

The advent of Megan’s Law in 1994 led to changes in rental policies across the country directly related to dealing with registered sex offenders:

Following the disclosures of registries mandated by Megan’s Law in 1994, apartments across the country began incorporating sex offender registry searches into standard lease applicant screening practices. The industry has largely—though not entirely—embraced the notion that being a registered sex offender is a de facto condition for denying lease applicants.

Today, across the United States many states control the living arrangements of registered sex offenders by law:

Twenty-two states in the United States currently have some form of residency law that restricts where sex offenders can live. For example, many states prohibit sex offenders from living within 1000–2500 feet of schools, bus stops, or daycare centers.

Ultimately, a critical component of the tenant screening process may be with a review of registered sex offenders. This step may be included in a typical tenant check or as a separate process.

Adam Almeida, President and CEO of states: “As with any part of the tenant screening process, landlords and property managers really should utilize a third-party tenant screening company to ensure they are compliant with all local, state, and federal practices.” includes a national sex offender registry search with every tenant check performed.

As the suburbs struggle to maintain their prosperity and population the cost of living, specifically with rental properties, may drop significantly and, subsequently, sexual predators and registered offenders may be drawn to these properties.

Almeida states: “One of the primary concerns of a property manager is to protect the property and protect existing tenants. Conducting a sex offender registry search may greatly assist that process.” is a third-party background screening company that provides tenant checks for landlords and property managers responsible for properties large and small. Specializing in small to mid-sized rental communities, can create customized tenant packages to fulfill all needs.